ORA continuesly take efforts to provide improved and efficient service to there customers. We identify customers need and try to provide them a appropriate service with latest technology. We have 2 experts in Industry 4.0.
Our experts determines what can be improved in existing system, and create new improved and intelligent machine to take care of each need of customer.
By using Industry 4.0 we achieve following:
Better use of resources
Faster manufacturing
Less machine and production line downtime
Less resource, material, and product waste
Lower overall operating costs


ORA has expertise in IIOT, which helps to get better connectivity and scalability due to information sharing .
In IIOT, we are interconnect sensors, robots and most important feedback tools so that we can get exact information of a system and also we can store all the data in cloud with high cyber security.
Also, ORA works on BIG DATA and AI with expert engineers in our R&D department to improve production with less maintenance.